Are you guilty?
Tell me what happened.
Except the kiss never happened and he finally got fed up with it all. Put his hands on me and called me foul names, then left with his car and the clothes on his back. And I lost my shit, I guess. More than usual. Worse than usual. I tore up the house— my house, the house I’d worked thirty years for! Scared my son half to death when he came by, screamed bloody murder at him like he was a kid again. He said, ‘Please just calm down. He’ll come back. He’s going to come back.’
He tried to convince me to check into a ward, you know. Said I wasn’t handling this well enough to be alone, that he was worried I’d do something drastic. I threatened to call the cops on him if he didn’t get the hell off my property. So he left, and I was alone again, and everything got worse.
We went hunting a lot when we were younger. Had a bunch of old rifles in the basement that never got collected, and there was nothing better for me to do so I cleaned and polished one. Fired a round through the window just to make sure it worked. Then I waited and pretended I was young again.
One of them came back. Not sure who— they look so similar, you know. It’s horrible. And I’m not sure how long it took, either. Everything was so blurry. He called out for me, but I’d made up my mind hours ago that he’d have to come to me. And when he did I…
Why did you do it?
Do you regret what happened?
I wish I had at least gone to the ward. Wouldn’t have been pretty, but at least they could’ve picked up the pieces instead of me having to figure out what happened three days into custody. Once I realized, I couldn’t stop crying. Must’ve apologized a million times. They tried to get a plea deal going, to get me into a facility
Why did you come here?
Was my first time leaving the country, actually. The ocean was pretty.
Are you guilty?
Mark down ‘yes’, ma’am. Make it easy on yourself. I’m already a dead man.
Tell me what happened.
I do electrical work. I think that’s why they wanted me here, now that I think about it, but that’s besides the point. A buddy of mine called me up one day because his whole store needed a rewiring— well, it’s more specific than that. Knot and tube remediation. But I don’t want to bog you down with the details, ma’am. It’s boring stuff.
My buddy ran a corner store, one of those small bodegas everyone downtown loves. The building it was in was an old thing, with internals that were on her last legs after. So I took me and my boys out, and we did all we could to patch it up. Got about halfway through on the first day, then stopped and said we’d be back tomorrow.
But I got pulled over on my way home by a nice young man. He asked my name, then asked me to step out of my car and slapped a pair of cuffs on me. I didn’t struggle— I’m not that stupid. We made small talk while he drove me down, then he told me he was shocked how put together I was, considering I murdered a girl in the city.
There was no ‘tomorrow’ for me. I was fast tracked from the county jail to federal prison. They didn’t have any evidence, can you believe it? Just a few witnesses
It’s a damn shame. I hope the others finished everything.
Why did you do it?
Do you regret what happened?
If I had known back then that I’d be dragged through the dirt and thrown in the trash, I would’ve done everything I was sentenced for and more. Every day I pray, Oh God, give me a second chance. Let me make them all sorry for putting me through everything they did.
Why did you come here?
And yeah, the station is a slab of concrete and the work is nightmare fuel. But working here means I’ll be rotting for a decade instead of a lifetime, so I’d say it's worth it.
Did you deserve it?
Are you guilty?
Tell me what happened.
Why did you do it?
Do you regret what happened?
Why did you come here?
Hey, did you know there’s a graveyard here? Not for the doctors, if there’s a body left behind they get a med-evac during summer. But for us and the bloodbags. Must be packed by now.
Did you deserve it?
Did I deserve getting handed off between families like a cheap heirloom nobody wanted? Did I deserve getting beaten, the hands on me every fucking day— did I deserve to have my head held underwater until the world went dark? Did I deserve every bruise and burn and cut and visit to the ER, the doctors, the social workers— who did nothing, by the way. They saw everything and did nothing. Did I deserve it? Did I?
Sometimes I think, maybe I was destined for this. Destined to be a sick, irredeemable fuck. No amount of struggle would make me better, and God, I struggled. I suffered. I tried. But some people just aren’t meant to be people
But even that isn’t genuine, is it? All I’m doing is appealing to your sympathy. Preying on your better nature. Pretending to be human— a real human, with feelings and dreams and fears— pretending not to be this… this fucking thing hiding under skin and meat. You’ve seen it before, I bet. Killers breaking down in confession, offenders breaking down in court. That isn’t real. They’re lying. Like I am. Like everyone else in this station, because they’re upset they got caught. There are no people here, miss. Just monsters and monsters in denial
Sometimes I think to myself, if I move and talk and walk like a person should…if I lie to myself long enough, maybe one day I’ll finally feel correct. Maybe I’ll feel real. Maybe any of this will feel real. Maybe everything I did will finally click, and I’ll be so distraught I’ll walk myself off the nearest cliff.
It’s a trick, don’t you get it? Is it working? I hope not. I hope you’re not that stupid.
I deserved it all, miss. I deserved worse. They should have shot me in the head and left me to rot in the woods. At least if I were worm food I’d be useful.