RG: Vitals are clear; we have a POV on ███; manual restructuring just got started.
RG: [whistle] Wow! Processing is huuuuge this time around.
JV: ...those are its normal dimensions. Have you never watched a maintenance feed?
RG: Nope. Never got the perms for it. Late hire, remember? At the tail end of summer. My training was like, a week, then they let me loose in IT. Half my day is spent chasing down someone who has the passcode to where I need to be, heh.
JV: I apologize for that.
RG: Ah, it's fine. Gives me stuff to do. Between that and this little pet project, my days haven't been nearly as boring as I thought they'd be. I was worried; I didn't bring as many movies as I should've— my bad. Next time I'm home I'll be sure to burn a terabyte or two.
JV: Ask around. I'm sure people would be happy to share.
RG: You'd think! But nah. Most people here spend their free time getting blasted— which is fine, just not my thing. It's real impressive, though. Never knew someone with a hangover could oversee all that before coming here.
RG: You didn't hear it from me, Jamie. I'm not a snitch.